My top 10 health and wellness resources
Here is a list of my favorite resources to help you get started with your health and wellness goals this year.
About movement and exercise and how it affects your body:
Body by Science, Doug McGuff, M.D. and John Little
The Slow Burn, Fredrick Hahn (also about nutrition)
The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk
About eating and how it affects your brain:
Whole 30, Melissa and Dallas Hartwig
The Prime, Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D.
A Mind of Your Own, Kelly Brogan, M.D.
About mindfulness and how it affects your whole being:
The Power of NOW, Eckhart Tolle
Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Joe Dispenza
Powerful and Feminine, Rachel Jayne Groover (for women)
About managing unhealthy habits and addictions:
The Bull and the Ballerina Transformative Story Cards, Ana Nieto 😉
These are resources I’ve used for years when working with clients.
If you’d like help figuring out which resource will be most helpful for you, take the first step - click here and schedule a complimentary strategy session.